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Frequently Asked Questions


  • How can I check the status of my order?

    You can always check the status of your order including shipment tracking on our My Account -> Order page.

  • What are the ingredients of your products?

    Each of our products shows their individual ingredients on the product detail page. For a complete list you can check out our Ingredients page.

  • Is Hooch Snuff safe?

    Yes, but remember that anything held for long periods of time against the skin can cause irritation. If you experience irritation using our product, discontinue use immediately. If you are allergic or sensitive to one or more of the ingredients, do not use the product. 

  • Can you swallow Hooch Snuff?

    Yes. All ingredients in Hooch are edible and safe to consume, but most of our customers still prefer to spit keeping with the old habit of tobacco. 

    Our Packs and Fat Packs contain paper comprising the pouch, so please do not swallow them!

  • How do I use my reward points?

    If you are logged into our website and have a reward balance, the option to pay with reward points will be available on the product detail pages.

  • How old do you have to be to purchase Hooch Snuff?

    Although there are no laws prohibiting the sale of Hooch Snuff to minors, we do not promote the sale to anyone under the age of 18. 

  • Do you offer samples?

    We are a small company, so we cannot at this time offer free samples. We do offer a limited money back guarantee if you do not like our products. 

  • What shipping method do you use?

    We use the US Postal Service for all our shipping.

  • Do you ship to APO addresses?


  • Do you ship outside the United States?

    We currently only ship to the United States. If you have a local distributor outside the United States that would be interested in carrying our products, please contact us.

  • I searched the internet and found that kudzu (pueraria) is used for breast augmentation. Will I grow breasts with this?

    The root of the pueraria plant is sold for this purpose due to high levels of pseudo-estrogens. We use only the leaves, which contains only a small fraction the amount. 

Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Contact us here.